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Oh yum!

Lucas having some
applesauce with my
cousin Amanda in BC

 One of my worries when we thought about solids was that the "easy" feeding methods would not be something we would be able to use, things like food pouches and self feeding foods like rusks and puffs. Well that proved an unfounded fear as pouches that are only one type of fruit or a mix of low-protein veggies and fruit are ones I can pretty easily estimate the amount of phe. The puffs and rice rusks are low in protein, especially considering how little they weigh, which is wonderful because they make great distractions when trying to cook a hungry little guy some food.

Back Left to Right:
Bread mix for a bread machine,
case of phenyl-free formula, Mushroom Burger Mix
Front Left to Right: Amino-acid supplements,
Lo-Pro Anellini, Lo-pro Rice

So now that Lucas is ready to start having "more solid" type foods I ordered up what I consider the next step in his diet. One of the things I wanted to start with was the pasta that will be a big part of his diet, all the better to get him used to the taste and texture! The bread mix is one I will try tomorrow, because the word I have seen on the Facebook support groups is that it can be a tricky thing to figure out exactly how your bread machine makes the bread.
Luke had his first lo-pro dinner!

Here is Lucas' first adventure into chunkier, more texture filled meals. Tonight I made him his pasta and the added cooked mushroom mix to his carrots. He Loved It! This meal here is only 18mg of phe, that is super low, which is great because even though right now he needs "higher" phe meals (because he doesn't eat a lot right now) this will be great when it comes to a hungry growing boy!!

I look forward to cooking for him, discovering his likes, and I know he has Grandma's who also look forward to helping with making sure he has lots of tasty yummy delights! Delights like cookies, pancakes and apple crisps!!

I welcome any questions and love to share the knowledge I have and research answers to questions that stump me :)

 I want to leave you with a photo of the newest addition to the Janssen clan, Lila Charlotte (parents Jamie & Lindsey Janssen). Lucas managed to be the youngest in the family for 9 whole months but he relinquished the title to this little sweetie! It's so special to get to see her and know we will get to watch her grow, it seems different somehow now that I have watched my baby grow so quickly!


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