Well as most know we have been trying more and more of Luke's low-protein foods, I had blogged about him trying some of his little pasta circles here . Well they have gone over really well, as has the low protein version of rice! Luke really enjoys it if I mix the rice with coconut yogurt (plain) and a bit of cinnamon, almost like a little guys rice pudding! We tried the Eggz next and it was a bit more of an adventure then the pasta! Eggz powder comes in a bag and has simple instructions - add "non-dairy creamer" and let sit, then cook one side and flip. So easy.... yeah not so much. Okay the first one was a flop. I thought it would be more like normal eggs and be soft enough for him to nibble on, instead it was much to firm on the outside and not what I would consider safe for a little. So I decided to scramble them up like normal eggs, which of course they didn't do the way I am used to but this time I had softer pieces for him to try a...