Well as mentioned in past posts we had a big appointment with Luke's whole team on Wednesday and it has taken me a bit to write about it, mostly because I am still trying to work through it in my own mind. It was by far the longest appointment we have had - even longer then the original introduction. We talked with Melissa, Luke's main dietitian first for about 45 minutes and she took all Luke's measurements and plotted him on the charts. We have Luke up to the 25th precentile for weight, which is good news, he is the 50th precentile for height and when you plot his length and height combined he is 25th precentile (therefore long and skinny - sound familiar Matt?). They are pleased with his growth and don't believe there will be any problems from when his levels were low for so long. Then came talking about his current intake of protien and phe. This is where I tend to get emotional because even though I know that this is a lifelong disorder, I think I am like many who...