Yesterday, April 24th, we had Luke's solid appointment at the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton at 8:30 am (early for getting everyone presentable and packed up!). We got to meet the most recent addition to the Metabolic Dietitian team, Sydney, who I have been emailing and chatting with for awhile now but hadn't met in person. She is as much as a sweetheart in person as she sounds on the phone. We started off by talking about Luke's growth which has been spot on (woo!!) and he is gaining weight at just the right pace. Also he has maintained safe zone levels!!! Good job Lucas! We found out Lucas' phe tolerance is between 320mg and 360mg. His current average is 335mg of phe a day. Then we got into the learning aspect of our visit. Basically next time you see me say "count protein" you need to throw something at me because there are varying amounts of phenylalanine ( phe ) in different kinds of proteins. Below is a break down...